NGO Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Edition 01: 03 November, 2009


01. E-course : Diploma in Integrated Development (Dip. Int. Dev.)



Quarter 1.





Value : 06 points out of 18.

Work foreseen: 186 hours out of 504.


The points are awarded only after passing the consolidated exam for Section B : Solutions to the problems.



Third block : Solutions to the problems.


Value : 01 point our of 18.

Work foreseen: 36 hours out of 504.


[16.00 Hours] Section 1 : Anthropological analysis of the three levels of project structures. (Value 0.5 point)

[16.00 Hours] Section 2 : Division of responsibilities amongst the three levels of structures. (Value 0,5 point)

[04.00 Hours] Exam block 3.


The point is awarded only after passing the consolidated exam for Section B : Solutions to the problems.



[16.00 Hours] Section 2 : Division of des responsibilities amongst the three levels of structures. (Value 0,5 point)


Division of responsibilities. [14.00 Hours]


01. The chain of  responsibilities. 

02. Illustration of the division of  responsibilities. 

03. Tank commissions. 

04. Well commissions. 

05. Central committee. 

06. Permanent cooperative for the management of the project structures. 

07. Cooperative for project execution. 


[02.00 Hours] Report on Section 2 of Block 3.



Third  block : Exam. [ 4 hours per attempt]



Division of responsibilities. [14.00 Hours]


05. Central committee.  ( At least 2 hours)


The third administrative level of integrated development projects represents all  +/- 50.000  inhabitants of the project area. Each individual in the project area must be able to associate himself/herself  with the project’s administrative structures. This means the structures must be  “comprehensible” to the inhabitants..


The central committee will usually have +/- 35-45 members elected by the well commissions, being one member representing each well commissions. The well commissions do not necessarily have to choose one of their number. Any inhabitant in a well commission area may apply to represent the well commission on the central committee.


The same way, several central committees may, in principle, be chosen each for a specific project structure, such as the Cooperative Local Development Fund, the local money system, the micro-credit system, and, where applicable, cooperative health fund and cooperative public education fund.  It is up to the inhabitants themselves to decide whether they want a single central committee for all structures together of a separate central committee for individual services.


Since well commissions are expected have a majority of women members, they should choose women to represent them on the central committee. A majority of the members of the central committee should therefore also be female.


The central committee is the main organ of the Cooperative for the on-gong Management of the Project Structures of the project. After project execution, it is the legal representative of the project and its structures. Central committees can be seen as “parliaments”. They meet once a year or as often as is required.


The tasks of the central committee are named in the statutes of the cooperative for the on-going management of the project structures. Given the autonomy  in the management of project structures, the tasks of the central committee may vary slightly from one project to another. In principle they should in any case include the following :


-Definition of the policies of the Association.
-Ownership on behalf of the inhabitants in the project area of all real and personal property connected with the structures and their management

-Regulate the methods of management of the structures and supervise their management.
-Elect for a period of one year the members of the project Management and of the Audit Commission and supervise the activities of the project management. The Central Committee can release the project management from its duties at any time. In the absence of serious professional misconduct, the Central Committee may replace the Audit Commission only on the occasion of its annual renewal.

-Wind the Association or any of its other organs up.
-Decide on any problems which is not expressly the responsibility of the management or any other organ of the association.

-Resolve all litigation relating to the project.
-Nominate as it may consider necessary permanent or ad hoc commissions or representatives including those with investigative tasks.

-Deliberate individually on every decision connected with real property owned by the Association.
-Deliberate individually on every purchase and/or investment and/or sale of personal property of the association for a value equal to or greater than [ (example) Euro 15.000].


From the point of view of the division of responsibilities, the subject of the  section on the division of tasks amongst the structures of integrated development projects of block 3  the solutions to the problems,  one of the most relevant aspects is that the central committee chooses  the general management of the project, which can be considered the “government”.


The tasks of the general management, subject always to decisions taken by the populations when the structures are set up, include


-the management of the central offices of the project and the project depot , the ownership of which is in the name of the Central Committee

-coordination of the management of decentralised project, property in which is vested in the name of the Central Committee on behalf  of the decentralised organ involved

 - solution, at first level, of litigation involving the project and its structures.

- liaison at project level, and support in favour of local social, financial, productive and service structures set up by the project

- coordination and management of all problems and structures for which neither the tank commission nor the well commissions  are expressly responsible.


The general management is automatically responsible for all service and obligation relating to the project which is not specifically covered by the project organisation.  

Elected in principle each year by the Central Committee, the General Management comprises :

-A general manager responsible for the good day to day running of the Association. He is responsible for taking all measures necessary for the life and operation of the Association according to the statutes of the Association and to the instructions received from the Central Committee. He/she is chosen once a year and his nomination is renewable indefinitely. He/she is chosen for his/her leadership qualities and integrated vision – he/she need not be literate.

-A treasurer responsible for the material and financial patrimony of the Association. He collects the funds of the Association and is responsible for their management.. He co-signs payments authorisations together with the General Manager. He submits a financial reports each year and a financial budget at the close of his period of office to the Audit Commission, to the central Committee, and to other members of the personnel indicated by the General Manager, by the Audit Commission, or by the Central Committee .He should have basic accounting knowledge. He should have a (younger) apprentice to ensure continuity.

-A general secretary responsible for the archives of the Association. He/she is responsible for correspondence and administrative affairs. His/her staff  would usually include :

- A computer specialist (system manager) with a (younger) apprentice to ensure continuity.

- At least one assistant, with some knowledge of French or English

- Two depot operators/drivers.

- A gardener (optional)

- Two or more guardians according to requirements.

Cleaning, gardening, maintenance and guardian services can be provided by external cooperatives operating under the local money system set up by the project.


By way of example, 10 of the central committee’s tasks and five (groups of) the tasks of the General Management have been given above. This means that the Central Committee retains responsibility for some tasks, which may not be delegated, even to the General Management.


1. Research.


On two pages, identify the tasks which cannot be delegated by the central committee to others and write a paragraph on each one explaining why.


2. Opinion.


On two pages, write a short introduction then five short paragraphs on conflict resolution at household, tank commission, well commission, General Management, and Central Committee levels. End with your conclusions.


Each integrated development project should, in time, have relations with other projects. Take a look for example at the illustration of regional plans  in this block 3 solutions to the problems.


3. Research.


On one page explain how responsibility for  the inter-project relations is divided between the General Management of a project and the Central Committee.


Certain specific aspects of integrated development projects are discussed in details in Block 5 : How the structures described in block 4 solve specific problems.  Corruption, one of the causes of poverty mentioned in Section 1 of Block 1  analysis of the causes of poverty is one of them.


4. Opinion.


One at least one page, maximum two pages, make an analysis in six short  paragraphs on how integrated development projects help prevent  corruption. After a short introduction, deal with the various project levels in turn : tank commissions, well commissions, General Management, and Central Committee. Close your work with a conclusion containing where applicable your suggestions for the reinforcement of the anti-corruption measures described.


 Third block :  Section 2 : Division of responsibilities.

 Third block : Solutions to the problems.

Main index of the course for the Diploma in Integrated Development  (Dip. Int. Dev.)

 List of key words.

 List of references.

  Course chart.

 Technical aspects.

 Courses available.

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